Axiological Stance
life and philosophy I find there are certain assumptions that need to
be made for any discussion to proceed. Of course debate can and always
does rage over categorisation and axioms themselves, but I think to
outlay my starting point and the context within which this article is
based is essential to assert my new theory of a possible god/creative
by its definition includes all, as in everything: meaning there is only
one true physical infinity. Of course Infinity can be chopped up into
sections which possess (POV) infinite properties, or certain directions
can be taken infinitely; but for me, shall we say, Absolute infinity is
quite simply All and everything: as in true infinity is by definition singular.
see our visible universe as one POV zone of 3 zone existence (taken
from human perspective), of which there is our scale (let’s just say
atom to edge of visible universe as an example), there is infrascopic
scales (zooming in as with a microscope on matter to the infinitesimal,
like a Mandelbrot zoom ad infinitum) and there is suprascopic scales,
which are say a sea of trillions of universes making up a multiversal
blanket which could be viewed all at once but then zooming out further
until the blanket becomes but a spot in a collection of blankets and
then zooming out infinitely: I would see the latter as the diametric
opposite of the infinitesimal. I would see the human perspective of
infinity as just a layer in an infinite stratigraphy of POVs at
different zoom functions.
So basically a stratigraphically layered structure to infinity at different scales.
our visible universe is, in effect, a POV bubble that resides within an
infinite stratum on our scale (which can be travelled along infinitely
without changing scale, just moving the bubble's centre as the subject
travels in any direction) which in turn is one layer in the
stratigraphical construct of All (we know there are layers by what is
testable in quantum physics and chemistry) but these layers are dictated
by the scale of vision of the beholder.
also it needs to be said that the human POV is of course not limited to
the visible universe but able to travel infinitely (in theory) along
the human POV stratum whatever that may turn out to be (infinite single
universe or multiverse: this is only categorisation).
itself holds the key to unification of all theories. Existence is
formed by life itself, that creates life/organized material existence
from within. Life will emulate the quantum within the macro to
create/develop/control larger systems. For organized existence or life
to exist, there statistically almost always is orchestration from within
(If it could be possibly possible to manipulate matter (protomatter)
on a large/cosmic scale then it is statistically more likely that we
live in an existence that has been created than live in an inceptive
universe (one that creates its own life from scratch by random chance)
as surely once life dominates then moves beyond its universe and starts
to meddle with matter on large scales the possibility of godhood makes
the idea of a chain of life possible, and this in turn ensures most life
begins from previous life instead of by chance);
orchestration led by an intelligence that is on a far more
evolutionarily developed standing. This is the governance of
life/existence on the viewable plane, by life on a sub-strings (or other
similar structuralisation) level.
this paper I shall attempt to explore the above idea and develop
scenarios in which this, and theories related to this, could in a purely
theoretical way, play out.
nature of (the idea of) infinity, is that it is by its nature,
infinite. Where there is one thing there is another. Outside that
something must be something more.
cannot be made of nothing. So inevitably there is a continuation of
existence as far as any eye could ever see. And in correlation to this
assumption that our plane is infinite in size, any other plane
(viewpoint of a differing scale) must also be infinite in size, as they
are all viewpoints of a common infinity.
is made of something smaller and smaller ad infinitum (infrascopic).
And upwards (in scale) existences flourish also (suprascopic).
So armed with this rather arguable assumption we are led to possible ways/imaginings of how it could all be constructed.
inevitably search, for meaning in the universe, for a unification of
all sorts of theories that we all love to insist cannot be brought
together. What if one theory could bring faith, belief, science and
understanding of the Universe/Multiverse and beyond seamlessly forwards
in one union of matter in thought?
Theories of multiple universes or a Multiverse have been formulated in many forms.
My theory
itself is the key. Life begets life. Imagine if you will the scale of
matter. We ourselves are made up of atoms and atoms of quarks etc. then
possibly strings or some such constructions of matter. But what do these
strings/constructs consist of? Surely it is not possible for something
to made of nothing? So if this holds then there is material/structures
going downwards, so to speak, ad infinitum. A chain of scale that
logically never ends. Also apply this idea to scales larger than our
viewable plane.
universe is one of many (or at least part of a materiel that is
possible to convert to a universe-type state). This is the assumed
certainty; as the idea of non-infinity is absurd? So where there is one
there is more and so on.
do these multiple universes make up? As in when you have say a trillion
universes clumped together and then you zoom out your viewpoint to a (I
will call) higher plane; when you look down at the whole that these
universes make up, what is it that you would see?
Now the basic premise of the theory is quite simple though the application is more complex.
once evolved to a certain state of control in our/a universe is then
able to control all factors of that said universe. Once a total
orchestration of matter and universal collapse and expansion is
attained, and also the ability to leave the universe, then life is at a
stage where it can not only reproduce (with imaginative means) exactly
that which already exists in the universe they are in, but actually move
out of, AND INTO A NEW AREA, OR cause the creation of a new universe
(if needed) and then colonise that universe bringing it into line with
the level of control attained in the mother universe. Ok so some of you
ask “so what about our universe?” and I answer “our universe is, or
could be, on the frontier of a step up in scale”.
mother universe now has succeeded in seeding into the proto-matter a
new universe and this of course accelerates as the offspring reaches
maturation and reproduces itself. The spread of universes through the
proto matter brings a new equilibrium into an unorganized chaos with
life being the catalyst, conductor and parent all rolled into one.
the amounts of universes under the new control system/sequencing reach a
critical point they use their new found organization to trigger a new
big bang but this time not on their scale. As they group into any and
all of the imagined structures seen in string theory they trigger an
amazingly quick and violent expansion. Of course to the universes
involved the time it takes for this expansion to occur seems almost
infinite but when you look at the structures that the universe are
forming up on the next scale of an existence where new atoms are forming
the expansion is rapid and explosive just as we envisage a conventional
bigbang in our universe.
itself has created a new universe balanced according to its own design,
a universe that is of a larger scale, yet with predetermined laws of
physics balanced to perfection to allow life again to develop; in fact
the workings of the interactions within this superverse (Superverse=
Universe composed of miniscule Universes in comparison to said
Superverse’s scale; Multiple Universes that are standardized and
organized into a Standardized-Multiverse) are directly under the control
of trillions of trillions of trillions of strings composed of life
dominated universes on the lower level.
state that exists prelife is a three dimensional expanse of matter
which I would call proto-matter, that is infinite in size. In its
default state, it is simply matter in an extremely condensed form that
follows no rules, self-evolved or imposed. It just simply is. It is from
this state that pockets of matter can expand, evolve into universes as
is propounded by other theories.
The unorganised matter of infinity can be ordered toward a big bang with relevant properties for life,
envisage the universes being reproduced by life on the same scale they
are existing on, once controlled and designed in such a way -using
structures they have to create- are made to create repulsive and
connective forces that bond together multiple universes (maybe even some
simpler smaller bond universes) which allow different string/construct
types with different forms and different oscillations.
unorganised matter is like a voidless carpet. Within this neutral
matter there is the very faint possibility of spontaneous expansion of
matter in a big bang but the levels are almost always wrong for success
with life formation (life to go on and prevent a big crunch); As
control/laws of physics is down to chance (This is possible and maybe
the original start point).
Periods of growth/acquirement of more matter is done by turning basic matter into the present system through replication with Universe Entanglement and
altered copies with certain elements sychronised. With life becoming
eternally more complex/clever to maintain (and increase on their level)
the growth.
sufficient growth has occurred in this phase a shift to string
structure occurs. With strings made on ever increasing scales of
complexity, but seemingly uncomplicated on the upper levels.
Creation of universes then string formation and so forth ad infinitum.
From a chaos of matter comes order. With consciousness comes organisation, without there is only chaos.
Without consciousness there is no order.
Consciousness is the source of consciousness.
For the quantum and astral worlds to work requires consciousness
For molecules to transcend into life requires consciousness
The fabric of reality/infinity requires consciousness
Where there is one thing there is another thing.
Where there is something there cannot be nothing.
Beyond this, where there is life there must be more life,
Where there is consciousness there must be more consciousness.
may ask why are blueprints/schematics not passed upward to aid and
maintain growth. I would say: Why would they be as evolution itself
generates all of the thought processes required to attain universal
domination to kick start the ascendance of life. Evolution of technology
happens as it needs to; at as fast a rate as it should.
Cephalised universe
control of the mechanisms of a universe must be controlled to prevent a
possible collapse, this spurs the peoples of a said universe to build
an understanding/evolution of organelles to help facilitate maintenance,
but only once under universal standardization is a common nucleated
system installed for multiple universes/areas of viewable universes.
start to get filled up with matter as intelligent life maintains them.
To prevent gravitational collapse great structures (biotech) are used to
hold the universe in stability.
Mankind/intelligent-sentients become the cephalised head of the intelligence requirements.
diversity of thought is maintained through separate factions but
without competition for resources as all movements are interconnected
and orchestrated with the whole in mind.
Human noosphere,
cephalised centre of knowledge requires leadership in the form of a
super-sentient intelligence attained by a pooling of all knowledge into
What form will stimulus take to convey information back to the hub, central nervous system, sense organs, effector organs etc.
energy to be conserved and not just wasted life must look at its own
ability to store energy and realise that energy needs to be stored in
biological constructs. This will slow the expansion of the universe
giving more time to develop methods for future, and stabilise the dark
matter etc.
mankind has dominated the available space he must learn to maintain it
as organelles maintain a cell. Must organise and re-assimilate energy to
form new stars. He will be able to travel through the membrane from
universe to universe if he is filling a need that the universe
recognises and requires. If he arranges matter with the required
precision he will turn his dead universe into a living thing in the same
way that primordial soup is changed to a cell
beginning of life comes from life within and only when life within
dominates its surroundings is a higher life created. The magical jump to
atoms being rearranged is created by intelligent life of minute
proportions within the matter which are beyond all technology to see
from the higher level. If control from the higher level could ever be
achieved in its purest sense (not just biology and chemistry) then
ultimate control and gods they would be.
The bringing of enough universes into alignment is required to have enough matter for a leap upward and create a big bang,
intentionalism or determinism are part of this magnification of process
is interesting. Would the lower-scale sentients be necessarily aware of
what they create on the larger scale? Or is the organisation on bigger
scales just a by-product of sentience-organized reality? They would be
undoubtedly aware of the possibility of control, but could have no way
of measuring/observing levels of differing scales anyway? Would they
need to see anyway? as the design brings the organisation.
the inner realm has created one universe another is grown as in they
seize many more universes on their own level to create another with
waves of control.
the universe is evolving, the inner realms are spreading through the
protomatter, priming it for when the race are able to reproduce their
universe. When the reproduction is inevitable the race finds that the
protomatter has exactly the correct characteristics (as their universe
did) to allow the formation of a new universe toward a big bang.
standardization: they have to seize control and standardize enough
universes to cause an expansion eg. Big bang amongst the slumbering
matter. (The surrounding matter isn’t at first protected from the rapid
expansion of volume of its neighbouring substance but later as multiple
universes have the possibility of detrimental interaction they are
protected by newly established circles of influence which buffer and
exist beyond possible expansion areas.)
inert matter has to be given laws to follow for it to work, and when
this happens they start to react against each other in a different way
to create the expansion. Once the upper-universe is born, some
inner-universes are chosen/inevitably are to be life creators, with
entanglement etc.
constant controlled expansion happens throughout the levels, also all
levels grow whilst seizing additional universes. The expansion of the
newly created universes on a lower level supplies the flexibility for
the expansion on the upper level, proportionately. With watersheds
needing to be met before new universes can emerge. The speed at which
inner realms have to accumulate is relative to POV. The speed on lower
scales being massively accelerated to higher scales, and yet manageable
as to the subjective observer/contributor the speed is normal/slow,
methodical and intentioned.
and effect up and down through scales is not staggered i.e. the same
matter is being influenced so cause and effect is instantaneous, and
without delay.
consciousness to develop. More specifically, for basic life to develop,
basic scientific laws must exist independent of consciousness on the
same plane because at levels of pre-life, molecules still must follow
patterns and rules to develop into more complicated molecules. This
initial governance of laws must have a basic consciousness and it does
but this is acquired not from itself (as supposedly molecules may do
what it is in their nature to do) but this nature is a design which
though seemingly simple is orchestrated by extremely complex processes
with the consciousness supplied by the lower Gods/life within.
Alternative take on the gods within:
the souls that are in this linkage are one mind. Different bodies have
different functions different areas of matter/life have different
functions but all brain matter is connected to make an entangled super
consciousness capable of controlling everything on the next level. Also
their brains constantly develop as new levels are pierced. Deep down the
levels ultimate existence is alive.
Something to think about:
Herbert: "when law and duty are one, united by religion, you never come
fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less
than an individual."
The question is does god want us as groups or as enlightened individuals?
Frank Herbert: "whether a thought is spoken or not it is a real thing and has powers of reality."
the desire of matter and energy to create organised/structures,
galaxial structure, universal structure, is a symptom of energy,
destroying structures of matter, so forms that can work under/ adopting
complexification are going to increase by their very nature.
but this complexification (desire for complexification ) I believe to
be caused by itself but on a microcosmic level from within the
unexplored depths of matter itself, where this trend has occurred and
dominated now its collective consciousness spreads up to the next level.
matter has true properties of infinity, and life is able to transcend
the boundaries of universes and control and manipulate matter within
universe/multiple universes then the likelihood that god/life created
our universe/area is statistically more likely than our universe/area
being an inceptive universe as the former is likely exponentially more
abundant and likely to arise. Of course the fact that infinity’s nature
dictates that there will be infinite amounts of inceptive universes, and
infinite amounts of created universes, does not negate the fact that
any measured expanse of universes that contain both of these types will
always contain more created than inceptive as inceptives spawn multiple
strings of created. This density differential creates, not a fixed
ratio, as the length of a said string has an infinite amount of possible
lengths within a specified area (whilst inceptives are restricted to
the amount of universes within area (unless after chains end there can
be dormant areas that then moving deeper become active again (separate
inception)), but said area will always produce a much lesser amount of
inceptives than createds as one might not be infinite in number whereas
the other is definitely infinite. And even if both are infinite within
any defined area the fact inceptives have the propensity to spawn
multiple createds means that there will always be an
undefinable/unquantifiable differential between the two types. So what
is the chances our universe was created? massively more chance than the
idea matter arranged itself just right. WHAT IS THE MATHS?
More and more energy gets tied up within matter causing the universe to collapse.
oscillating universe theory
Expansion and contraction of universes
move using a form of Perpetual motion, expanding and contracting
continually so that when they are banded together as strings their type
behaviour shape movement etc is the by-product of this perpetual motion.
This needs to be stabilised by universes from within if they intend to
continue their present existence without a big-crunch. High matter
levels are needed for these purposes but this in itself will cause a
gravitational collapse so organisation to prevent this is needed as in a
stabilising factor/system
universes within all atoms controlled by a population that is the
source pool for all life on level above. Genes are expressed in
creatures of universe. Worthy/correct genes align with genes in
creatures. When a certain genetic structure breeds then the closest
corresponding structure from within comes forth though simplified. All
memories are lost of lower realm but are reinstalled on death/return.
All seek to be on the frontier as it frees there consciousness from the
knowledge of samety on the bottom layers that just spiral down
infinitely and bore, failed genetic lines fall down levels and take time
to come back up if ever. Heaven and hell are just constructs of the
mind. True heaven and hell quantified by hierarchical structure of genes
rising and falling from the frontier
is your minds summation of your life at moment of death etc. final
judgement is accounted for when u die and return to the lower level, has
some influence over where you find yourself/how far from the frontier/
families create need in upper plane to procreate and it their mission
to make one viable for this so that their genes, family can carry on.
The great families vie for the ability to live. If a genetic line ends
it also ends within.
of illumination, clarity where a puzzle is solved by a leap of
comprehension that’s source is unfindable linking apparently unlinked
variables to create a new thought. Where do these flashes come from,
from the gods within.
sheep on the lower level wait for their opportunity to rise to the
frontier, as sentients sleep they can either move backwards into
themselves whilst dreaming so the lower level have a taste of their
bodies on our level a taste of the sensation of life and therefore
giving them a thirst for birth into the upper level or do they just have
a taste of the dream world created by the sentient on our level or may
be the dream world is a battle ground for most powerful sheep to be able
to transcend into the physical body once they have achieved a victory
in this entertainment world.
phases the soul that is you transcends to you from matter within yet
this matter cycles and there is no guarantee that you will get back to
your previous existence in death. It's all about cycles of
atoms/terminology for storey for book. What effect does initial genetic
imprint have on your body in next realm?
the genetic code from inner is the closest match to codes of you in
upper realm (random mutations on conception influenced by internal
codes). Millions/billions to choose from etc. Pot luck? For atoms cycle.
You transcend when code has fused \ egg met sperm. Closest match from
atoms within egg and sperm. Tends to be identical in simpler way/less
chromosomes but simpler chromosomes match. That's why memories are lost
as memory ability of simpler cells is less. More advanced cells are
coded in a way to store memories of past so inner genes get more and
more complicated. Except when you go back you become simpler in lower
realm and start as youth again, though some memories from upper life
retained and passed on subsequently in simple genes. Traditional past
lies theory. So structure of lower realm is some grow older stay
simpler. Each generation is more complicated as memories passed on in
the genes then ascendancy does the left body die or is it used to house
construct. Soul leaves and takes simpler memories of past upper lives
but memories of past lower lives left and used by construct or
assimilated into neural strata type collection. Only lucky ascend.
Not every universe needs to be entangled. Every string? Every carbon atom? Must contain an entangled universe?
every atom in every whatever? String? There is an entanglement that is
entangled like quantum entanglement to all other atoms in our universe
and beyond; from here comes the genes for creatures; this allows
reincarnation to occur more easily because we all are able to travel
back and forth to the same place, Gods realm/level/Heaven and Hell Just
at death in time for body to die? Or does this linger to the lower realm
until self-imposed penance achieved, yes and only the real bad stay in
Hell realm, and only the real could stay in Heaven realm, the rest go
back to the populace.
of different inner gods for differing purposes. Organizational and
levels thereof. That spread across un-organization, creating not only
life, but rules of physics to organise matter using strings/ atoms
the initial explosion electrons photons neutrons protons didn’t even
exist, they had not clumped/structured yet under forces because the
explosion at first negated forces.
the strings of universes at first are separate but as
organisation/entanglement occurs constituents of atoms form, followed by
bonding of atoms to form matter which forms astral bodies. Followed by
molecules which once they have reached a critical point where for the
molecules to carry on increasing in complexity they must become organic,
and so forth to form life, which in itself complexifies to form a
global consciousness.
the entanglement is always there from the bigbang. Seeded before the
universal expansion occurs. There is a grand scheme where atoms etc.
follow what their structure dictates. Structure maintained by the
standardised segments within.
galaxies used as the bitek vessels of universe control. Different
matter types are converted to standard matter, on large scales, to allow
sufficient structuring of the universe/localised section: to create the
type of the universe and the bonds required to create strings.
Expansion and contraction of universes?
ordering/clumping of the universes into strings requires an inner
ordering of the universes themselves. Internal structures created to
control oscillations and bonds/bonding between them so they may form
differing structures of strings. Loops or strings or star shapes etc.
and contraction of universes untamed is raw incoherent system this must
be checked into a controlled oscillation/expansion contraction system
that aids the string formation/control.
internal giant structures must be maintained to ensure the
rigidity/flexibility of the bonds act according to the bonding needed.
As the universe expands there are two forces:
The energy of expansion
Gravity pulling matter back together
But the energy of expansion cannot dissipate because it is in vacuum.
a vacuum is devoid of particles. The stars themselves are the particles
and the friction of the universe expanding causes stars to ignite, once
the stars have drained enough energy from the expansion, the Universe
will contract.
The stars due to loss of energy once collapse has started will no longer have sufficient energy to burn?
will they use friction of collapsed to burn also) all lost energy tied
in space will also be pulled back as the boundaries of Universe recede
(stars etc.) all will condense and energy will join to matter and when
big-bang. The gravity fields of objects cannot be seen by us but it is
there, because solar systems rub together in galaxies and galaxies
gravity fields rub together, that causes the friction. the Big Bang
supplied enough force to drive the Universe apart but this constant
reduction in none energy due to expansion (friction) will cause it all
to contract again.
energy causing the expansion of the universe is fed in a regulated way
by heat from chemical reactions, which as complexification increases is
regulated more rigorously. The price of synthesis is a release of
energy. Feeding expansion???
Life stores energy within and into the ground, for later release?
the opposite to energy? When the energy has become tied up in life or
lost/changed direction or form will a collapse be caused/occur. The
regulation of energy against gravity is the secret to controlling/
sustaining inevitably the universe.
So a play between life and energy is the key.
To prevent the unity of matter and energy once more where a new universe will be created.
changing of the form of energy causes adoption and causation of more
complex molecules to develop(life). This stops structural integrity
being destroyed, at times of high energy, less chaos. Complexification
seems to be beneficial/ unconsciously desirable inevitable result and
cause of variety in types of matter. Complexification of matter in ways
that trap energy molecularly are the inevitable end-point of the laws of
physics. Energy itself in interactions with matter causes the evolution
of matter and energy forms. Will this end-product swallow the universe
and control it? Life seeks to grow and move up the scale. Will this
occur during the period of universal expansion, before possible crunch?
has to for continuation.
Periods of expansion control oscillation in the higher strings they compose.
are infinite, we know boundary, as Universes mingle in an uncontrolled
plane. With the repulsive forces the same as found in quantum mechanics
that don’t stop clumping But prevent Universes absorbing each other. In
the plain below ours for mini Universes are ordered into strings of
control to create order in our plane, but true order must be
self-imposed from our level (obviously controlled by low-level). So we
must order the Universes - stop them from acting erratically and harness
the fluctuations caused by their expansion and contraction to create
chains and other forms, create forces (quantum forces) that using
different types of Universes in different configurations (I must design a periodic table? Substances we form and function etc to form strings etc.) called strings that will cause the next level up to order itself under my helm. Remember existence is infinite.
Computing for universe is handled by inner life.
a liquid becomes a gas it is given more space for its atoms. In the
same way a multi-universe is capable of a big-bang/big-crunch
expansion/contraction situation.
can mankind destroy itself if it is part of the design? Some may say
our designs will stop us from self destruction, God will protect us. But
you must realise we are part of a design. The design doesn't stop us
from destroying ourselves (except in extreme circumstances). Do not rely
in fate as a protector and become reckless in this arena of safety. We
must always be aware of our actions. We can be nothing else as this is
the design. Our fate is not under our control. If we all die then this
is part of our reason for being. Who knows whether another race will
discover our destruction and learn from it even slightly.
will never fully understand the design, we are part of it but may not
be the sole reason for its existence. Is the chain of life singular in
locality. If it is singular than we are the reason, but as I have said
before where there's one there is another. In the realms of existences
there is an infinity at play that is purely unending and illimitable in
scope. If a tree falls when no one is around will it make a noise?
and effect propagates upwards as every action of movement is
orchestrated from within. The actions of those below just are your
actions. You are free to instigate any action your whim dictates but
those actions have been orchestrated from within, over eons.
As life propagates upward . . .
of life spontaneously occurring is obviously a real one. But if my
theory is possible, the possibility that we are one such spontaneous
event is statistically tiny. To be at the beginning of a possibly almost
infinite chain is so small when compared to the amount of existences
that probably exist. The maths would suggest that we have a
1/nearly-infinite chance of being a source. So chances are we are a link
in the chain of life propagation.
Table of life growth.
Biotech galaxial organelles
Control of universe
Clumping/bonding of universes to make strings
Strings in various alignments bring coherence to a suprascopic quantum world
Atoms diverge and build molecules
Genetic molecules evolve themselves
Creation of life
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